Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blessings Beyond Expectation

For some this will not be a surprise and for others, they will wonder at the suddenness of my decision to marry. On July 9th, 2007, I married Carol Feistel, missionary widow of Malcom Feistel, who went home to be with the Lord a little over a year ago. It was in the scenic mountains of Colorado, at a conference called "The Summit." Carol and I had made arrangements ahead of time with some of those in charge to allow us to be married on Monday night. There were approximately 200 people in attendance and we had written and memorized our own vows. Rev. Don Rooks, my nephew, conducted the ceremony. All those in attendance were kind and gracious as they watched two people who were both widowed because of cancer find love with a new dimension for "such a time as this." The journey that brought us to this place is more than time and space will permit. Suffice it to say that God, in His wisdom and sovereignty, orchestrated the events of our lives in such a way that neither of us could miss His hand in our relationship.

Carol and I are looking forward to ministry together here in Rittman, OH. The people who are part of the ministry here have already embraced her warmly and are anxious for our ministry to move forward. We are living proof that God is able to "do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think." The blessings are truly "beyond expectation."


At 5:15 AM, Blogger Steve said...


We are rejoicing with you from Argentina. We are looking forward to seeing you and Carol next year at our Pastors & wives camp here in Rosario.

God bless, we love you,

Steve & Pam


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