Saturday, December 23, 2006

It's Almost Christmas

Christmas will be here inless than two days. I have fond memories of Christmas. One year my wife and I were driving from Texas to Iowa to visit her sister and husband. Red Hobbs pastored in Round Prarie, Iowas. We were almost at their house when we got caught in a valley between two high spots and the road was too slick to get up the other side. It was just before day break. We couldn't see any lights in any houses no matter what direction we looked. I kept the car running to keep us warm. After a little while I spotted a light in a farm house several hundred yards away. I began the trek to the house to see if they could help us. They invited us in, gave us something warm to drink and let us call my wife's sister. In a little while he was there to get us and we were able to get on to their house for Christmas. Jean's nephew, Billy Hobbs, liked to play basketball and we would go almost every night to a school nearby to play with his friends. We actually packed the car twice to come home and Billy begged us to stay a little longer. Finally we had to go home but I remember that Christmas with fondness. My wife and I had a wonderful time with her family who had become my family when we got married.

This year I will spend Christmas with my daughter, Kristi, and her family - Greg, her husband, Lindsey, Chelsea, and Kaylee, my three wonderful granddaughters. It is a day filled with mixed emotions - I love being with them and I miss my wife so much. But God knows all these things and He will, in His goodness and grace, sustain me through these difficult hours. I trust Him and He loves me.


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